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TDLAS Glossary: Essential Terms in Gas Analysis

TDLAS Glossary: Essential Terms in Gas Analysis

Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) is an advanced gas analysis technology widely used in various industries for accurate, real-time monitoring of gas concentrations. To help you better understand this technology, we have compiled a glossary of key terms related to TDLAS and gas analysis. Whether you’re new to the field or just looking to refresh your knowledge, this glossary will provide the essential definitions you need.

Key Terms in TDLAS and Gas Analysis

Absorption Line

A specific wavelength of light that is absorbed by a gas molecule. TDLAS uses these absorption lines to determine the concentration of the target gas.

Absorption Spectrum

The range of wavelengths that are absorbed by a gas. The absorption spectrum provides valuable information about the gas composition.

Ambient Air

The air in the surrounding environment. TDLAS measurements may need to account for the presence of gases in ambient air that could affect the analysis.

Background Gas

A gas that is present in the environment but is not the target of analysis. TDLAS must differentiate between background gases and the target gas.

Beer-Lambert Law

A principle that relates the absorption of light to the concentration of the absorbing species. TDLAS relies on the Beer-Lambert Law to determine gas concentrations.


The process of adjusting the output of a measurement device to match a known standard. In TDLAS, calibration ensures accurate gas concentration readings.


The effect of one gas interfering with the detection of another gas. TDLAS minimizes cross-interference by using lasers tuned to specific absorption lines.

Diode Laser

A type of laser used in TDLAS systems to emit light at specific wavelengths. The laser can be tuned to match the absorption line of the gas being analyzed.

Detection Limit

The lowest concentration of a gas that can be reliably detected by a measurement system. TDLAS is known for its low detection limits, making it suitable for trace gas analysis.

Gas Analyzer

An instrument used to determine the concentration of gases in a mixture. TDLAS gas analyzers use laser-based absorption techniques to measure gas concentrations with high sensitivity.

Heterodyne Detection

A technique used to improve the sensitivity of TDLAS by mixing two signals to produce a lower frequency signal that is easier to analyze.

Laser Absorption

The process by which a gas molecule absorbs laser light at a specific wavelength. TDLAS leverages this principle to measure gas concentrations.


The range of wavelengths over which a laser emits light. In TDLAS, a narrow linewidth is important to precisely target the absorption line of the gas of interest.


A technique used in TDLAS to improve sensitivity by varying the wavelength or amplitude of the laser. Modulation helps enhance the signal-to-noise ratio.

Multipass Cell

An optical cell that increases the effective optical path length by reflecting the laser light multiple times through the gas sample. TDLAS often uses multipass cells to enhance sensitivity.

Noise Equivalent Absorption (NEA)

A measure of the smallest absorption signal that can be detected above the noise level. Lower NEA values indicate higher sensitivity in TDLAS systems.

Optical Cavity

A setup consisting of mirrors that create a long effective path length for the laser light to interact with the gas sample. TDLAS may use an optical cavity to increase measurement sensitivity.

Optical Path Length

The distance that laser light travels through a gas sample. A longer optical path length increases the sensitivity of TDLAS measurements.

Parts-Per-Billion (ppb)

A unit of concentration used to describe the presence of trace gases. TDLAS is capable of detecting gas concentrations at ppb levels, making it suitable for high-sensitivity applications.

Parts-Per-Million (ppm)

A unit of concentration commonly used in gas analysis. TDLAS can also detect gases at ppm levels, making it versatile for different applications.

Pressure Broadening

A phenomenon where the absorption line of a gas broadens due to collisions with other molecules. TDLAS systems must account for pressure broadening to ensure accurate measurements.

Real-Time Monitoring

The ability to continuously measure gas concentrations as they change over time. TDLAS provides real-time monitoring, allowing for immediate adjustments in industrial processes.

Reference Cell

A cell containing a known concentration of the target gas. TDLAS systems may use a reference cell to ensure accurate wavelength tuning and calibration.

Resolution Bandwidth

The smallest difference in wavelength that can be distinguished by a measurement system. High resolution bandwidth is important in TDLAS for accurately identifying gases.


The ability of a gas analyzer to specifically detect a target gas without interference from other gases. TDLAS has high selectivity due to its use of wavelength-specific lasers.


The ability of a measurement system to detect small changes in gas concentration. TDLAS is known for its high sensitivity, allowing it to detect trace amounts of gases.

Signal Processing

The method of analyzing and extracting useful information from the detected signal. TDLAS systems use advanced signal processing techniques to enhance measurement accuracy.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

A measure of the strength of the desired signal compared to background noise. A higher SNR indicates better measurement quality in TDLAS.

Spectral Resolution

The ability to distinguish between two closely spaced absorption lines. High spectral resolution is important in TDLAS for accurate gas identification.

Tunable Laser

A laser whose wavelength can be adjusted to match the absorption line of the target gas. TDLAS relies on tunable lasers to accurately measure specific gases.


The distance between successive peaks of a wave of light. TDLAS uses lasers with specific wavelengths that correspond to the absorption lines of the gas being analyzed.

Zero Drift

A change in the baseline reading of an analyzer over time. TDLAS systems have minimal zero drift, ensuring stable and reliable measurements.


Understanding the key terms in TDLAS and gas analysis is essential for getting the most out of this advanced technology. With its high sensitivity, selectivity, and real-time capabilities, TDLAS plays a crucial role in modern gas monitoring and process control.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about TDLAS technology and its applications, don’t hesitate to reach out to experts in the field for more detailed information.

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